The rapidly changing field of psychology encompasses a wide range of concepts, theories, experiments, and related scientific disciplines. The JRank Psychology Encyclopedia web site endeavors to provide useful information on many aspects of psychology. Famous experiments, psychological theories, mental disorders, and the science of the human mind are just a few of the topics covered in the thousands of articles collected here.

Some of the database's highlights include:

  • Stanley Milgram's obedience experiment, which tested an individual's willingness to harm others when instructed to do so by authority figures.
  • The science and logic behind the Rorschach Technique, or ink-blot test.
  • The symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of common conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder.
  • The life of Sigmund Freud and how it shaped modern psychoanalysis and contemporary popular notions of psychology.
  • Psychologist Abraham Maslow and his famous theory about the hierarchy of needs and self-actualization.


Abnormal Psychology, Applied Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Differential Psychology, Educational Psychology, Ethology, Etiology - The change in theory, Existential Psychology - History of the movement, Experimental Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Gestalt Psychology, Health Psychology, Humanistic Psychology - Theories and therapeutic applications, Research, Industrial Psychology, Media Psychology - What does psychology have to do with media?, Processing information, Metapsychology, Occupational Therapist, Parapsychology, Philosophical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Psychiatry/Psychiatrist, Psychoanalysis - Psychoanalysis and the development of personality, Freud's critics…


Adolescence - Puberty, Cognitive transition, Emotional transition, Social transition, Adoption - Types of adoption, Who gets adopted?, Outcomes of adoption, Battered Child Syndrome, Birth, Birth Order - SIBLING RIVALRY, Birth Trauma, Bonding, Bullies, Child Abuse - HOTLINES, Child Development - LANDMARK PUBLICATIONS ON CHILD DEVELOPMENT, Child Psychology, Childhood - History of childhood, Prenatal development, Infancy, Physical development, Intellectual development, Personality development, Social development, Developmental Delay, Theories of Developmental Stages - STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT, Echolalia, Emotional Development - Early infancy (birth-six months), Later infancy months) (7-12)…


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Adjustment Disorders, Alzheimer's Disease, Anorexia, Antisocial Behavior - Causes and characteristics, Treatment, Antisocial Personality Disorder - Treatment, Anxiety/Anxiety Disorders, Aphasia, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Who gets ADHD?, What causes ADHD?, Treatment, Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Brain Disorders, Brief Reactive Psychosis, Bulimia, Communication Skills and Disorders, Conversion Reaction, Delirium, Delusion/Delusional Disorders, Dependent Personality Disorder, Developmental Reading Disorder - Types of and causes of reading disorders…


Aaron T. Beck - A pragmatic approach to therapy, A family affair, Abraham Maslow, Adolf Meyer, Albert Bandura, Albert Ellis, Aleksandr Romanovich Luria, Alfred Adler, Alfred Binet, Alfred Charles Kinsey - Breaks with father to become an entomologist, Studies on human sexuality bring fame and notoriety, Anna Freud, Anne Anastasi - Skips high school and discovers psychology at Barnard College, Arnold Allan Lazarus - Develops behavior therapy, Replaces behavior therapy with multimodal therapy, Joins the self-help movement, Arnold Gesell, Arthur Otis…


Amnesia, Assimilation, Avoidance Learning, Concept Formation, Conditioned Response, Conditioned Stimulus, Conditioning, Forgetting Curve, Free-Recall Learning, Imitation, Imprinting, Learned Helplessness, Learning Curve, Learning Disability - Types of learning disabilities, Treatment, Learning-To-Learn, Learning Theory, Memory - FALSE AND RECOVERED MEMORIES, Modeling, Operant Conditioning, Paired-Associate Learning, Programmed Learning, Rehearsal, Semantic Memory, Serial Learning, Serial Position Function, Social Learning Theory, Socialization…


Animal Experimentation - History, Current trends, Behavior Modification - DID SKINNER RAISE HIS OWN CHILD IN A SKINNER BOX?, Experimental Design, Experimental Group, Jukes Family, Kallikak Family, Milgram's Obedience Experiment, Rosenzweig Picture Frustration Study, Sensory Deprivation…


American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association (APA), American Psychological Society (APS), National Association of School Psychologists, National Institute of Mental Health, Psychological Abstracts…


Achievement Tests, Ames Room, Apgar Score, Psychological Assessment, Bayley Scales of Infant Development, Bender-Gestalt Test, Creativity Tests, Culture-Fair Test, Draw-a-Person Test, Electroencephalograph (EEG), Free Association, Holtzman Inkblot Technique, Kohs Block Test, Lie Detection, Mean - EXAMPLE, Measurement, Median - EXAMPLE, Merrill-Palmer Scales Of Mental Tests, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Personality Inventory, Rating Scale, Readiness Test, Role Playing/Psychodrama, Rorschach Technique…


71名政协委员联名建议:广西应抢占区块链发展高地-广西新闻网:2021-1-30 · 71名政协委员联名建议—— 广西应抢占区块链发展高地 广西新闻网-广西日报记者 王春楠 今年的自治区两会上,有一件提案人气特别高,多达71名 ...

Psychological Dictionary: Abacus to sub免费网络加速器怎么样

智东西早报:高通推首款7nm电脑芯片 首款国产量子计算机 ...:2021-12-7 · 原标题:智东西早报:高通推首款7nm电脑芯片首款国产量子计算机控制系统诞生「智东西」早报第1108期2021.12.07周五#今日要闻#1、高通推出全球首款7nm电脑芯片骁龙8cx智东西12月6日夏威夷报道,高通推出全球首款7nm笔记本电脑芯片骁龙 ...

Psychological Dictionary: Kenneth John William Craik Biography to Jami (Mulla Nuruddin ʼAbdurrahman ibn-Ahmad Biography

Kenneth John William Craik Biography, Creativity, creativity, cretinism, criminology, Critical Period, critical periods, Cross-Sectional Study, cross-modal sensory integration, cruelty, Cults, cultural differences in perception, curiosity, cybernetics, history of, John Dalton Biography, danger recognition, Charles Robert Darwin Biography, Erasmus Darwin Biography, Leonardo da Vinci Biography, Daydreaming, deduction, Deductive Reasoning, Defense Mechanisms, déjà vu, Delay of Gratification, Delayed Response, delirium, delusion, Dementia, dementia, Dendrite, dendrite, denotation…

Psychological Dictionary: Ibn Bajjah (Abu-Bakr Muhammad ibn-Yahya ibn-al-Saʼigh, c.1106–38) Biography to[1][主站管理] 【特别策划】东北网记者寻访东北亚丝绸之路 2021-05-26 10:35 [2][主站管理] 黑龙江干部群众紧急行动 迅速掀起抗旱保苗工作

Ibn Bajjah (Abu-Bakr Muhammad ibn-Yahya ibn-al-Saʼigh, c.1106–38) Biography, Ibn Hazm (ʼAli ibn-Hazm, 994–1064) Biography, Ibn Khaldun (Abu-Zaid Abd-al-Rahman ibn-Khaldun, 1332–1406) Biography, Ibn Sina Biography, IbnʼArabi (Ibn Al-ʼArabi, Sheikh Abu-Bakr Muhammad ibn-ʼAli Muhyiuddin, called the Greatest Sheikh/Sheikh Al-Akbar/Doctor Maximus, 1164–1240) Biography, iconic image, id, Id, ideal, idealism…


perception: early Greek theories, perceptions as unconscious influences, Perfectionism, personal equation, personal identity, Personality - Type theory of personality, Trait theory of personality, Psychodynamic theory of personality, Phenomenological theory of personality, Personality Development - Influences on personality development, personality disorder, perspective, phantom limbs, phenomenology, Phobia, phobias, phonetics, phrenology, Phrenology, physiognomy, Jean Piaget Biography, Piaget and education, Henri Pieron Biography, placebo, Placebo Effect, placebo effect, plasticity in the nervous system, Plato Biography, Platonic Forms…

Human Behavior

Presents a strong, consistent, and all but exhaustive case for a natural science of human behavior. Presents a good understanding of behavioral psychology. Covers basic conditioning as seen in all animals, inclu ding humans and covers topics associated more with human behavior such as thinking, private events, institutions and culture.